Thursday, December 2, 2010

Seeing the Sacred Every Day

I was brought back to what really made me realize I am comfortable being an Episcopalian. Archbishop Michael Ramsay wrote a book, Sacred and Secular. In it he espoused the division between the two worlds is an invention of humankind. Everything in creation can be a vehicle for revealing the sacredness of the Divine. In that way the ordinary things of life can become sacramental - outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace - to quote the catechism. Our relationships, our work, our family life, our daily lives can convey the Divine purpose of God in small and big ways.

Our participation in the Eucharist can allow us to see the sacredness of each family meal.  Time spent having coffee with a friend can be a sacramental moment when properly viewed. Our political lives can make real the justice and mercy God.

The Mystery of God can be made real everyday. Christ can be alive in the breaking of bread on the parish altar and passing the rolls at dinner.

Fr. Patrick


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