Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Credible Depth

I am sitting here watching with Jay Leno on in the background, my oldest daughter and friend have just arrived for Christmas; and I am struck by the Incarnation. Strange ruminations? Maybe

So much of what we hear about God coming to us in Jesus of Nazareth is to save us from our sins. I think how much Holy Love there is for humankind that God would be one of us (to paraphrase the song). We must be awfully important to God for God to become like us. Of course, it is said we are made in God's Image. So at our best, more divinely filled, we can see God in each other. It is so ordinary and at the same time profound.

I think the "John 3:16" people had it right with out maybe knowing it. (Tend to think they are more of the school that we need to be saved from how awful we can be.). God did so love the world (and us) that God's Son came to dwell with us. The divine became human that we might become more Divine.

Merry Christmas,

Fr. Patrick

1 comment:

  1. Amen! The Incarnation is, at heart, God pursuing his beloved, the human race. We do need saving from the sin that distorts our nature, but that nature is "imago Dei," the image of God, and God comes among us to restore us to the fullness of that radiance. Blessed Christmas to you and your family, Patrick. Bob
